The use of the throw bag and throw line
The throw bag is used to get a small line, called the throw line, into the tree. The throw bag is a heavy bag that can, with a little practice, being tossed through a crotch, fork, or over a branch. The throw line is connected to the throw bag, and after the throw line has been placed, the throw bag is removed. Then the climbing line is attached to the throw line. The climbing line now can be heaved up, putting it in the perfect location.
Attach the throw line to the throw bag
To attach the throw line there are a few knots that are being used. One of them is the Slippery Clove Hitch. This is a normal Clove Hitch, except that we put a bight through the final loop of the Clove Hitch, instead of the working end as we use to do with the regular Clove Hitch.
After the throw line has been positioned in the tree, the Slippery Clove Hitch can easily be untied by pulling on the working end of the line that sticks out of the bight.
FAQ Throw bag Clove Hitch