What is the VT Knot?
The VT Knot, which is technically the VT Hitch, is a friction hitch often used in tree climbing systems. It originated from mountaineering and made it's way into tree climbing. Nowadays it's a very popular hitch for tree climbers and arborists, usually combined with a tending pulley and/or rope wrench setup.
The VT Knot, what is it used for?
The Valdotain Tresse originated in SAR, but slowly made it's way into canyoneering and tree climbing.
It is a multi purpose friction hitch and can for example be used as a backup knot for rappelling. When rappelling with a Figure Eight or other device, it is always good practice to use a hitch as a backup, in case you panic or something else happens which makes you lose control of the brake. The backup hitch will prevent you from falling, or at least will slow down your descend to a more survivable speed.
The Valdotain Tresse can also be used in the main climbing system of arborists and tree climbers. It is often used in combination with a rope wrench and a tending pulley. This setup will automatically advance the friction hitch up the climbing line, which will make climbing more efficient and less hard on the body.
The big advantage of the VT Hitch is that it will release easily, even when under tension. When advancing up the climbing line, the braid pushes the wraps up and will make them break easily, so the hitch will release properly. It's also very precise to control the position and the speed of descend.
The VT knot is not as fool proof as a Prusik Hitch or a Klemheist.
It is recommended to first try the knot low above the ground until you are fully familiar with it, before you implement it in your climbing system.
FAQ Valdotain Tresse (VT)